Join Men’s Guild 100!

Join Men’s Guild 100!

Harney Hospital Foundation is hosting the 3rd Annual Men’s Guild 100 Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Historic Central Hotel in downtown Burns. The purpose is to help improve and expand healthcare at Harney Health District.

A guild is an association of people for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal. We should all be proud to be part of a community that has such a quality medical facility. However, maintaining, improving, and expanding services requires ongoing support. That’s why we’re asking you to join Men’s Guild 100.

With Men’s Guild 100, we’re keeping it simple, so you know exactly what we’re asking you: One annual meeting + one annual check for $100. No more, we promise.

Our goal is to raise $10,000. We can accomplish this goal if 100 men attend our annual meeting. So grab your friends, family, and your donation for a brief evening of giving back.

The purpose of the annual meeting is to get together, have fun, decide how we will use the money we just raised, and say, “Thank you!” After we congratulate ourselves for our contributions, we will go home until next year knowing that, together, we made a significant contribution to Harney Hospital Foundation and helped improve healthcare in our community.

Gentlemen, please RSVP to 541-573-8609 or email

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