Community health needs assessment completed

Community health needs assessment completed

The Harney County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is available online and in hard copy to any interested member of the public.

The assessment, conducted during the first half of 2019, was a collaborative effort by Harney District Hospital (HDH), the Harney County Health Department and Symmetry Care. It involved a community survey, as well as an analysis of other available data, with the goal of identifying the most pressing health needs and concerns for Harney County.

Top health concerns identified include substance abuse and addiction (drugs, alcohol, and tobacco), mental health (mental illness, depression and suicide prevention), child abuse, neglect and trauma (adverse childhood experiences), obesity, diabetes and chronic illness.

Taking in mind those concerns and others, HDH has developed an implementation plan to address them and begin to work toward creating a healthier Harney County. Plans include launching awareness campaigns within each of these priority areas, developing behavioral health integration in the clinic setting, offering mental health first aid training to Health District staff, continuing and expanding youth outreach programs (including “5-1-1-0 Raising Health Kids”), and continuing to provide free classes and support groups to the community, among other action items.

The Harney County Local Community Advisory Council (LCAC) and the Harney County Health District Board of Directors serve as advisory groups for HDH’s CHNA and its implementation. Quarterly reports will be presented on the progress of the implementation plan. Every six months, a progress report will be posted on HDH’s website.

For the full details, please view the document online here, or call 541-573-8614 to request a hard copy.

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